Frequently Asked Questions

You’ll start seeing results in 1-2 weeks. However, results will vary depending on how often you roll. For best results, we recommend using the FFR minimum 3-4 times a week.

You may be subject to customs fees and duties, levied by your customs office of your shipping destination. Import fees vary according to the customs regulations of the destination country.

Medical-grade resin.

(If skin irritation occurs, please discontinue use and see your skin care professional.

The results will last as long as facial muscles remain relaxed. As we accumulate facial tension throughout our day, it is important to continue using the FaceFit Roller to keep those muscles relaxed.

The FFR is different in its one-of-a-kind shape. Although both products break-up fascia and improve lymphatic drainage, the biggest difference lies in FFR’s uniquely designed ridges that massage and relax facial muscles, reducing wrinkles and sagging of the face. Not only is FFR great for the skin, but it also effectively targets the root cause of again – muscle tension.

Both rollers do the same thing. They relax the facial muscle, improve  lymphatic drainage and increase blood flow and collagen production.Now for the differences- The dual handle roller makes rolling easier by allowing you to roll with 2 hands.  It is also great for reducing cellulite on thighs and can be used on the body as well.

Muscle tension begins at any age, meaning you can start using FFR as early as your 20s.

Yes. FFR roller can be used after injectables. However, we recommend waiting a minimum of two weeks after any treatment.

Absolutely! We recommend Grapeseed Oil. Some other great options are: JOJOBA, Sweet Almond, and Caster oils. Apply oil before every use to help the roller glide.

The original roller weighs 0.2 kg and the dual handle roller weighs 0.4 kg.

Orders usually ship within 2-4 weeks.